WP116 is a modern self priming water pump with hydraulic motor. The pump is designed for the suction and evacuation of water that
accidentally entered in the collecting siphons located in the lower parts of gas networks. Water can enter into gas pipes after ruptures or
maintenance interventions, this mass of water accumulated in the lower part of the network can fill up the siphons and also overflowing
choking the pipes and preventing the normal free gas passage that inevitably flows away by “waves” causing water entering and
damaging the gas meters and creating other problems that are well known by the gas maintenance crews. WP116 is made in spark
free bronze and with moving parts without metal/metal contacts so no possibility of creating localised overheated points. The hydraulic
functioning (no electricity!) means implicit safety that has to be absolutely guaranteed in this delicate operation. For the use is enough
to connect the suction mouth of pump with a flexible hoses to the siphon and then prime and pump out the mixture water/ gas / air,
all in absolute safety and with the gas line in normal working condition. The fluid extracted has to be successively disposed according
to local rules as it is a special waste. WP116 is unique in its type, for characteristics, function and safety assurance cannot miss in the
equipment of modern gas maintenance crews.

Self-Priming pump with hydraulic motor
for evacuation from siphons of gas networks